Journal of English Studies (DUJES)

An annual peer-reviewed research journal of the Department of English, Dibrugarh University.

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Aims and Scope

The Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Research provides a medium for publication of novel research papers and review articles from the areas of Pharmaceutics, Bio pharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, Novel & Targeted Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Natural Product Research and Polymer Sciences, Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Education.

Chief Editor
Dr. Md. K. Zaman
Associate Editor
Biman Bhuyan

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

To get the author's complete guidelines before commencing your work click here

01How can I submit my manuscript?

Completed manuscript as per the journal format may be submitted via e-mail to or you can submit it through our sumbission portal

02What are the guidelines for authors?

Please refer to the Author's Guidelines section on our website for detailed information.

03 How is the peer review process conducted?

All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure high-quality research publication.

How to contribute ?

Join our community of scholars and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board Members

Editorial Advisory Board

Here are some words from our esteemed team members and collaborators.


Call for Papers: Vol.

E-mail for manuscript submission:

Online manuscript submission: Online Submission Portal

Author's Guidelines


Authors may submit their manuscript under the following categories: Research article, Review Article, Opinion paper, Short communication, Letters to the Editor, Book review.



Completed manuscript as per the journal format along with a signed declaration form may be submitted via e-mail to

Title Page:


Each article should be summarized in an abstract not exceeding 250 words, italicized. The recommended format of a structured abstract with the following headings for an original article: Background, Objective, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. For a review article, it should be structured as follows: Background, Objective, Methods (including data sources, study selection, and data extraction), Discussion, and Conclusion. 3-5 keywords are required that are not in the title. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and references in the abstract.

Main Text:

The main text should have appropriate headings and subheadings. The text for Research articles should be set out as (1) Introduction, (2) Materials and Methods, (3) Results and Discussion, and (4) Conclusion. Footnotes to the text should not be used.


This section should state the relevance and background of the study, and its rationale and purpose.


This section should include detailed information on apparatus, experimental procedures, and statistical methods. Studies involving humans, both volunteers and patients, or animals require approval by an Institutional Ethical Committee prior to performing the research and publishing the data.


Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations.


This should include the research findings and their limitations, with reference to all other relevant studies.


This must summarize the main paper with major findings and possibilities for future research. The body of a review article should be a comprehensive, evidence-based review of the literature, accompanied by critical analysis and leading to reasonable conclusions. Wherever appropriate, details of the literature search methodology should be provided.


The Acknowledgments section details special thanks, personal assistance, dedications, and financial support at the end of the manuscript before the references section.


References should be numbered consecutively in the text by giving a number in brackets e.g., [1], [2], [3-6], etc. (Vancouver bracketed style). Use of Reference Management software like Mendeley, Zotero, etc. is advised. In case of web reference, the full URL should be given with the date accessed. Journal abbreviation should be used according to the List of standard Abbreviations.


Equations should be inserted using an equation tool and should be numbered consecutively as per the standard format.


Each table should be titled and numbered with Arabic numbers (e.g., Table 3). Footnotes to the table should be suitably identified below the table. Do not use internal horizontal and vertical grids. They should be placed at appropriate places in the text. Captions should be typed in normal font (12 pt). Captions should additionally be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet as a list of Tables.


All photographs, graphs, and diagrams should be referred to as Figures and should be numbered in Arabic numerals (e.g., Fig. 3) consecutively according to the order in which they are first cited in the text. They should be placed at appropriate places in the text. Captions should be typed in normal font (12 pt). Captions should additionally be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet as a list of Figures.


Footnotes are not to be used except for the designation of the corresponding author of the paper or current address information for an author (if different from that shown in the affiliation).


One set of proof will be sent to the corresponding author. Proof should be carefully checked and returned promptly. Alterations made in proof should be absolutely minimal.


Each corresponding author will receive a PDF file of the print version of their article.

Article Processing Charge:

There is no publication charge.


Particular Details
Title Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Research (CTPR)
Frequency Bi-annual
ISSN (Print) 2319-4820
ISSN (Online) 2582-4783
Publisher Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam-786004
Chief Editor Dr. Md. K. Zaman
Copyright The Registrar, Dibrugarh University
Starting Year 2012
Subject Pharmaceutical Sciences
Language English
Publication Format Both Print and Online
Phone No. 0373-2370254
Email Id
Address Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam-786004


Get in touch with us


Faculty of Science & Engineering

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam (India)

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0373- 2370323