Journal of English Studies (DUJES)
An annual peer-reviewed journal which publishes full-length articles on all aspects of English Studies of the Department of English, Dibrugarh University.

Aims and Scope
Since its inception in 1976-77, DUJES has provided a space for analysis and research across English Studies. The journal publishes articles on Literature(s) in English, translation studies, literary theory, linguistics, ELT, and related fields. It features peer-reviewed articles and book reviews, with both print and online versions.
Dr. Lakhipriya Gogoi
Dr. Lakshminath Kagyung
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
To get the author's complete guidelines before commencing your work click here
01How can I submit my manuscript?
Completed manuscripts as per the journal format must be submitted via email to Please note that only email correspondence is accepted, and all submissions should adhere strictly to the guidelines.
02What are the guidelines for authors?
Authors must follow the formatting guidelines provided in the submission section, including specific requirements like word count (4000-6000 words), abstract (200-400 words), and MLA citation style.
03 How is the peer review process conducted?
All submissions undergo a blind peer review process conducted by a Board of Reviewers, including experts at various academic levels. The process evaluates submissions for theoretical, methodological, thematic, and stylistic merits.
04What is the plagiarism policy?
Submissions must be original and free from plagiarism. Authors are required to submit a plagiarism report (preferably URKUND) to facilitate cross-checking. The journal adheres to UGC-recommended plagiarism guidelines.

How to contribute ?
Join our community of scholars and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in english studies.
Editorial Board
Editorial Board Members
Editorial Advisory Board
Here are some words from our esteemed team members and collaborators.
Call for Papers:
E-mail for manuscript submission:
Authors may submit manuscripts under the following categories: Research Articles, Review Articles, Opinion Papers, Short Communications, and Book Reviews.
General Guidelines:
- Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
- Language: Use concise and clear English. Non-English terms, including plant and species nomenclature, should be italicized.
- Formatting: Use B5 paper size, 1.15 line spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12. Maintain one-inch margins on all sides.
- Tables and Figures: Include them in the main text at the relevant sections with proper numbering and captions.
- Plagiarism Check: Authors must provide a plagiarism report (URKUND or similar) along with their manuscript.
- Structure: Manuscripts must follow this structure:
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Main Text
- Acknowledgments
- References
- List of Tables and Figures (with captions)
Title Page:
- Include the following details:
- Title of the paper (All caps, font size 14, bold).
- Author names (font size 12, bold).
- Affiliations (departments and institutions of all authors).
- Corresponding author's name, address, email, and phone number.
- Provide a running title (shortened version of the main title) not exceeding 50 characters.
Each article must have an abstract (200-250 words). For research articles, use structured headings like Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Avoid abbreviations and references in the abstract. Provide 3-5 keywords.
Main Text:
The main text must include appropriate headings and subheadings. For research articles, use the following format:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
Use the Vancouver referencing style. Number references consecutively in the text [1], [2-5], etc. Use reference management tools like Mendeley or Zotero.
- Example Journal Reference: Markou CP, Ku DN. Efficient drug delivery methods. Ann Biomed Eng. 1998;26(3):502–11.
- Example Book Reference: Harris JR. Cell Biology Protocols. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons; 2006. p. 102-3.
Figures and Tables:
Number tables and figures consecutively (e.g., Table 1, Fig. 1). Ensure captions are clear and concise. Place them in the main text and include a list of captions at the end.
Ethical Considerations:
Research involving humans or animals requires prior approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee. A declaration form confirming ethical compliance must be submitted with the manuscript.
Plagiarism Policy:
Submissions must be original and free from plagiarism. Authors must submit a plagiarism report and adhere to UGC-recommended guidelines.
A proof copy will be sent to the corresponding author for final approval. Major alterations at this stage should be avoided.
Publication Charges:
DUJES does not charge any article processing or publication fees.
Particular | Details |
Title | Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies (DUJES) |
Frequency | Annual |
ISSN (Print) | 0975-5659 |
ISSN (Online) | 2581-7833 |
Publisher | Department of English, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam-786004 |
Copyright | The Registrar, Dibrugarh University |
Starting Year | 1976-77 |
Subject | English Studies (including literature, translation, linguistics, and more) |
Language | English |
Publication Format | Both Print and Online |
Email Id | |
Website | |
Address | Department of English, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam-786004 |
Get in touch with us
Faculty of Humanities & Law
Department of English Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam (India)
Email Us
0373 2370232